Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New news from The Dark Side

Ah! I'm back, literally!

These last few months have been, well, trying to say the least. In February a disk in my low back decided to bulge and I've been recovering since. I just recently began dancing again and the return has been glorious.

My classes went on pretty much as usual as thankfully I had begun training several teacher apprentices who took over demonstrating movements. Interestingly enough, as all changes tend to be, I discovered several aspects about teaching that I want to focus more on. Gotta look at the good in everything!

My web hosting company also 'lost' my websites (yes both The Dark Side Studio's and Cleopatra's Bazaar, including my fair sized online catalog) and as a result my online catalog was gone for a month. But my wonderful tech lady Monica has managed to recover and restore most of it and I have Zia and Danielle Davies working with me to fully restore all the photos and music clips to get things revvvved up.

I'm excited about this year's This Ain't Egypt which will arrive in about 5 weeks time. And I've also just posted the online registration for this years Dark Summer Intensives with moi. I've expanded the offerings this year as well as included two levels of intensives. I've also decided to offer an Art of Cabaret workshop as a part of the Dark Summer program - the weekly classes have been more than thrilling and there are many excited participants waiting for more workshops.

Other than the Dark Summer Intensives, I'm not teaching for the summer as I take that time off to regenerate with my husband and children. I'm also headed once again to San Francisco to regenerate my dance soul, hang with friends there and generally relax. We all need a little of that now and again don't we!