Thursday, May 28, 2009

Getting centered...

I have the unfortunate trait of being highly influenced by other people.

Now that's not what you might think at first reading. What I mean is that I get emotionally charged by what others do. I say that the trait is unfortunate as I feel these days that I am mostly effected by the negative things that the so called professionals around me (and I don't just mean physically) do or are doing.

I do get quite discouraged by the lack of responsibility that some professional belly dancers and instructors regularly display. I should say that I DID get quite discouraged...

I have decided to become more centered as of a few weeks ago.

My journey is my own. I am the one who decides where I will go, how I will get there, and what the trip will be like.

I have spent enough time on things that are not what I want to be, not where I want to go. Some of them have assisted me greatly though, as they've fine tuned where I know now I want to be.

It's a great feeling. Lighter...

More centered...

More me!

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