Monday, November 5, 2007

11 days and counting

I can't quite believe it, but it's true. There are only 11 days until the start of the 2007 Suhaila workshops!
I'm busy getting the last minute details ready as well as prepping myself with my calf raises, running and general technique tuning. I'm excited as there are many students from the studio joining in this year, as well as many from the Toronto area.

I've also just posted the Winter 2008 class schedule for The Dark Side Studio. There's a new class added to the schedule - The Art of Cabaret. It's a holistic approach to learning bellydance for those with some experience. We'll be working on technique, music theory, emotional expression and choreography all in one session! I'm looking forward to this!

Due to my training falling at the end of Feb as well as March break with the kiddos, I've shortened the Winter session to only 7 weeks, with 2 special sessions in March. There are intensives in which we'll work on technique and choreography over a 3 days, 9 hour period (similar to last year's successful Dark Summer sessions).

I hope to see you all at the Suhaila show! I can hardly wait for this - the show's going to be just fabulous!